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  • Conte, E. (2022). Aspetti chiave nella promozione della salute mentale a scuola [tr. Key aspects in the promotion of mental health at school]. Conference «Promuovere il benessere a scuola» [tr. "Promoting wellbeing at school"] - Rete delle scuole21 Ticinese, Radix Svizzera Italiana, May 18, 20022. Camignolo, Switzerland.

  • Cavioni, V (2022). Ask an expert: What role does emotional well-being play in 21st-century childhood? Webinar series OECD Education and Skills Today - 21st Century Children project. Organized by OECD Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI), Directorate for Education and Skills. 30 March 2022.

  • Cavioni, V. (2022). The PROMEHS project: a universal multi-component curriculum to promote mental health in schools. Oral presentation at the 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia at the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Art. 2 February 2022. University of Latvia (Latvia).



  • Santos, M; Santos, A; Fonseca, A., Santos, D., & Equipa PROMEHS. (2021, March 19-20). PROMEHS - Promover a Saúde Mental nas Escolas [Conference Presentation]. II Congresso Online Internacional Novas Abordagens em Saúde Mental Infantojuvenil, Marília, SP, Brazil. CENAT.

  • Simões, C., Lebre, P., Canha, L., Santos, M., Santos, A., Fonseca, A., Santos, D., Murgo, C., Matos, G. M. (2021, April 14-15). PROMEHS – Promover a Saúde Mental nas Escolas [Poster session]. XI Congresso Internacional de Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente, Lisboa, Portugal. Universidade Lusíada. 

  • Simões, C. (2021, June 23). Adolescência, Risco e Resiliência: qual o papel da Escola? [Conference session]. 3º Ciclo de Conferências Liceu D’Anter, Ponta Delgada, Açores, Portugal, Escola Secundária Antero de Quental.

  • Simões, C. (2021, June 23). Social and Emotional Skills Curricula [Conference session]. The Sintra ES+ Conference - Social and Emotional Skills a Path to Academic Success, Sintra, Portugal. Câmara Municipal de Sintra-

  • Santos, M., Simões, C., Lebre, P., Canha, L., Fonseca, A., Santos, D., Murgo, C., Matos, G. M. (2021, October 20-22). Saúde Mental nas Escolas: dados preliminaries do Projeto PROMEHS. In Santos, A. (Chairs), Educação Saudável através da Promoção de Competências Sociais e Emocionais: do Ensino Obrigatório ao Universitário [Symposium]. 9th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development, Spain/Portugal.

  • Simões, C. (2021, October 27-29). Promoção da Resiliência na Adolescência [Conference session]. XXI Congresso Nacional de Pediatria, Lisboa, Portugal. Sociedade Portuguesa de Pediatria

  • Simões, C. (2021, October 18-20). Resiliência e Pandemia [Conference session]. 19ª Semana de Integração Universidade Católica e Sociedade, Recife, PE, Brazil. Universidade Católica de Pernambuco

  • Simões, C. (2021, September 1-3). Competências socioemocionais, resiliência e educação inclusiva: da investigação à prática [Conference session]. XVI Congresso Internacional Galego-Português de Psicopedagogia, Campus de Gualtar, Braga, Portugal. Universidade do Minho.

  • Simões, C. (2021, December 15). PROMEHS [Conference session]. Moving Research into ACTion, Lisbon, Portugal. Aventura Social.

  • Cavioni, V. (2021) Seminar “Il programma PROMEHS – Promoting Mental Health at Schools” within a series of seminar focused on social and emotional learning for university students of the University of Roma Tre (Roma) – 9 Decemeber 2021.

  • Cavioni, V., Agliati, A., Conte, E., Gandellini, S., Lupica Spagnolo, M., Rossi, F. M., Ornaghi, V., & Grazzani, I., (2021). [PROMEHS: an intervention program to promote mental health at school]. Oral presentation. XXXIII National Conference of the Italian Association of Psychology (AIP). Abstract book. 20-23 September 2021. University of Bari, Italy.

  • Online Conference "Children of the Pandemic: Mental Health, Wellbeing and Resilience", organized by the University of Malta in collaboration with ENSEC, 26th of March 2021 on the occasion of International SEL Day.

  • Talk during the webinar "ASCOLTARE LA SCUOLA. SPAZI POSSIBILI, DIFFICOLTA’ E NUOVE  PROSPETTIVE PER LO PSICOLOGO A SCUOLA.", (January 2021), organised by the Ordine  degli Psicologi della Lombardia, Cavioni, V. (online).

  •  PROMEHS project presented at the National Crotian assembly for psychologists held on 29-30. April 2021. 

  • PROMEHS project presented within the lecture SCIENCE IN THE SERVICE OF EDUCATION – as a part of the Psychology Week, organized in Croatia every February, February 19 2021. 

  • PROMEHS project presented at an online lecture on the mental health of young people during the pandemic called "Our future is in our hands" organized by the City of Rijeka, 4. May 2021

  • PROMEHS project presented at the National Croatian assembly for social pedagogists held on 12-14. May 2021.

  • Tatalović Vorkapić, S. (2021). Prijelazi, mentalno zdravlje i dobrobit djece I mladih – prikaz četiri znanstveno-stručna projekta. Znanstveno-stručni skup Psihošpancir 2021. 10. i 11. Rujan 2021. Društvo psihologa Varaždin, Međimursko veleučilište Čakovec i Sveučilište Sjever SC Varaždin, Virtualni Psihošpancir. PROMEHS project presented at the scientific conference Psihošpancir held on 10-11. September 2021.


  • Presentation of the project at Italian teachers and school professionals during the online Conference entitled "The School of Today and Tomorrow", organised in collaboration with Airipa and the Italian Ministry of Education (11th of December 2020).

  • Seminar for approx. 120 among teachers and head teachers, titled “Action Modalities for PROMEHS Project Implementation” which took place on the 4th of December 2020.

  • Talk at the Online International Conference "International Perspectives in Education - Classroom Voices" (October 2020). "Promoting resilience in kindergartens and schools: qualitative analyses of teachers’ experiences in Croatia", Prof. Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić, Prof. Lidija Vujičić and Akvilina Čamber Tambolaš.

  • PROMEHS presentation at the National Meeting of Psychology Students on October 3rd, 2020

  • Colomeischi, A. (18th of September 2020). "The importance of Emotional Intelligence in Basic Education Learning during the Corona Pandemic", keynote speech at 3rd ICCONECT Conference in Indonezia, University Maria Kudus, International Conference in Education, Culture and Technology.

  • PROMEHS presentation at the 5th StopCyberbullying Global Summit – Cyberbullying: Perspectives & Projects from Portugal, a webinar that took place in June 2020

  • Santos, A. (2020). Mesa Redonda - Investigar em educação: percursos pessoais (Investigadores Juniores). In IV Encontro Nacional de Jovens Investigadores em Educação: Investigar em Educação: desafios epistemológicos e metodológicos. Universidade de Évora, 7-8 Fevereiro, Évora, Portugal (Évora University)

  • Talk at National Conference "Conosci te stesso. Apprendimento socio-emotivo a scuola" (February 2020). "Apprendimento socio-emotivo: dalla teoria alla pratica.", Cavioni, V., Grazzani, I, Ornaghi, V., Senate of the Republic, Rome (Italy).

  • Talk at IV Encontro Nacional de Jovens Investigadores em Educação: Investigar em Educação: desafios epistemológicos e metodológicos (February 2020). "Mesa Redonda - Investigar em educação: percursos pessoais (Investigadores Juniores)", Santos, A., Évora University, Portugal.

  • PROMEHS project presented to the public in the center of Rijeka (Croatia) within the celebration of World Mental Health Day, October 9 2020


  • PROMEHS project presented to the scientific public at the International scientific and art conference Contemporary Themes in Education held in Zagreb (Croatia) at 15-17. November 2019. – PROMEHS poster presentation ( ) + reference: Tatalović Vorkapić, S., Vujičić, L., Čamber Tambolaš, A. (2019). Osnaživanje dobrobiti djece i mladih u Hrvatskoj: Prezentacija projekta PROMEHS. Poster prezentiran na Međunarodnoj znanstvenoj i umjetničkoj konferenciji Učiteljskog fakulteta u Zagrebu: Suvremene teme u odgoju i obrazovanju – STOO, 15-17.11.2019. U: Kolar Billege, M. (ur.) Suvremene teme u odgoju i obrazovanju – STOO Contemporary Themes in Education - CTE Knjižica sažetaka / Book of abstracts (str 65-66). Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Učiteljski fakultet, Zagreb.

  • PROMEHS project presented at the International conference EduVision held in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 28-30. December 2019. + reference: Tatalović Vorkapić, S. (2019). Podrška socijalno-emocionalnoj dobrobiti djece u Hrvatskoj: Prikaz tri znanstveno-stručna projekta (The support to the socio-emotional well-being of children in Croatia: The presentation of three scientific projects). EduVision2019, Ljubljana, Slovenija, 28-30. studeni 2019.

  • Talk at the 9th International Scientific Conference EDUvision (Ljubljana, Slovenia, November 2019). "Supporting Socio-Emotional Well-Being of Children in Croatia: Presentation of Three Scientific and Professional Projects.", Prof. Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić.

  • Talk at the Convegno Pedagogico di Inizio Anno, Federazione Scuole Materne Varese (2019). "Il benessere e la prevenzione a scuola" (english translation: wellbeing and prevention at school). Elisabetta Conte and Alessia Agliati.

  • Talk at Conference on Educational Sciences organized at National University Yurii Fedkovich (May 2019). "Promoting Mental Health through Preschool Curriculum – an Opportunity of European Partnership", Colomeischi, A., Chernivtsi, Ukraine

  • International Scientific Symposium , Tiraspol University, Moldavia (October 2019). "Promoting Mental Health through Curriculum Development – an Opportunity of European Partnership", Colomeischi, A., Chisinev, Republic of Moldavia

  • International Conference on Learning, Innovation and Quality Education (September 2019). Key note speech "Primary Education Curriculum Development In The 21 st Century", the paper contained a subchapter entitled: Study Case – Development of a Curriculum to Promote Mental Health at School – A European Project, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia

  • Talk at III Congresso Internacional Envolvimento dos Alunos na Escola (July 2019). "Estudo de Impacto do Currículo Rescur - Perspetiva dos Alunos", Santos, A., Simoes, C. & Lebre, Institute of Education, Lisbon University, Portugal

  • Talk at Simpósio Expressões, artes e bem-estar: Antigos e novos desafios para a Psicologia (June 2019). "Estratégias de mediação artística na promoção da resiliência nos Projetos Aquarela (Brasil) e Rescur em Ação (Portugal)", Murgo,C., Pessoa, A, Lebre, P., Simões, C., & Santos, A., University of Madeira, Portugal


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