Objave u tisku
May 2021 - Project PROMEHS on the television show “Classroom” on RiKanal.
Prof. Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić participated in the TV-show named "Classroom", on the local Croatian television KanalRi. Professor Tatalović Vorkapić presented in detail PROMEHS and the current situation related to the implementation of the curriculum in kindergartens and schools in the Primorje-Gorje County.
She then pointed out the current state of the project - the 4th, last supervision will soon take place, and after that there will be an online post-test for participants of the first group of schools. The post-test is extremely important in order to see the effect of the project.
Beside the PROMEHS project, prof. Tatalović Vorkapić answered questions regarding the other scientific and professional projects she is leading at the University of Rijeka.
February 2021
Prof. Adina Colomeischi has been interviewed by the Romanian local TV Bucovina TV on “What about Mental health at School?”
Video Interview Part I
Video Interview Part II
October 2020
World Mental Health Day was marked on Korzo in Rijeka as part of the Promehs project. The project coordinator, PhD Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić, Associate Professor, commented on the increase in mental problems among children and youth, and gave an insight into the stage of the project - an online conference was announced and the course of cooperation with kindergartens and schools that will participate in the project was explained.
September 2020
Prof. Martinsone participates in talk-show “Lampa” – how to overcome impact of the Covid-19 on families.
February 2020
rof. Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić form the Faculty of Teacher Education in Rijeka and Lana Golob from the City of Rijeka have been invited to the Croatian TV show called Classroom at their local TV channel KanarR.
They described the PROMEHS project, its aims, mainly to sensibilise principals, school teachers and parents about the project, mental health in general and the way the Consortium is planning on implementing it in various schools in Croatia, and across Europe.
Prosinac 2019
Prof. Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić s Učiteljskog fakulteta u Rijeci i Lana Golob iz Grada Rijeke predstavili su PROMEHS hrvatskoj javnosti tijekom konferencije za medije koja se održala 19. prosinca 2019. u Rijeci. Intervju je emitiran 23. prosinca 2019. na KanaluR, regionalnoj informativnoj TV mreži. U videu prof. Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić iznosi glavne ciljeve projekta, stavljajući naglasak na prevenciji mentalnog zdravlja kao vrlo važnog faktora za dječju dobrobit i pojašnjava zašto nikada nije rano započeti s prevencijom i promocijom mentalnog zdravlja. Lana Golob je naglasila važnost potrebe ulaganja u obrazovanje i vrijednost projekta za grad Rijeku.
December 2019
The Latvian team manager Baiba Martinsone was interviewed by the regional TV channel “ReTV”. She clarified what we mean by socio-emotional learning (SEL) and introduced the Project.
Then our partner from the Sigulda region municipality in Latvia, in collaboration with the regional television, filmed during a class at school our colleague Vineta Inberga talking about the PROMEHS project. Vineta described the goals of the project and showed some elements of SEL in class.
News in the Media
In January 2021, a newspaper article was published in Novi list, a local newspaper in Rijeka, entitled Implementation of the mental health curriculum in 17 institutions in the Primorsko –goranska County.
The aim of this article was to encourage parents to get involved in the project. The article explains the goal and purpose of the project and points out that the implementation of the curriculum in kindergartens and schools will soon begin. It emphasizes the role of parents, as they will be able to work with their children on mental health at home, with the help of the free manual they have received, and therefore raise the quality of their relationship with the child.
On November 14th, 2020, an article entitled "Children and the pandemic: should the youngest be protected from bad news, panic and uncertainty?" was published on the website of Radio Rijeka, reffering to the radio show Zdravljak which featured Prof. Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić as a guest.
Prof. Tatalović Vorkapić spoke about whether we should try to hide our fears and anxieties from children, in th context of the coronavirus emergency, or whether it is better to let them know what is happening. Parents of children of different ages have to face many challenges, such as wearing masks, hygiene and social distance.
Radio Interviews
Latvian National Opening Conference (25th August 2020) publicised online by lsm.lv.
The full video is available here.
Latvian Radio channel LSM has interviewed our Latvian Project Investigator Baiba Martinsone on the importance of mental health promotion in schools (25th August 2020).
The Latvian Journal “School and Family" and the Latvian Newspaper have interviewed the Latvian Principal Investigator Baiba Martinsone on her work within PROMEHS
The fourth partners' meeting held in Rijeka, Croatia, in January 2020 has been reported in the local newspaper "Novi List"on February 4th.
This article talks about the Faculty of Teacher Education, where the meeting was hosted, and describes the research protocol and the curriculum implementation in schools that the Consortium discussed during the two-day meeting.
Photo Gallery with students' works during PROMEHS activities in class
A beautiful video done by Italian highschools students from Chignolo Po (PV) about the 10 most important classroom rules.