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Closing Conference

19 October 2021 from 10:00 a.m. to 14:00 p.m.
The culture center "Siguldas devons", Pils street 10, Sigulda, Latvia

Conference moderator - Eva Johansone, journalist, editor, Latvian Television
National position in promoting personal development and mental health in the education system.
Anita Muižniece, Minister of Education and Science.
Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, professor of psychology, ex-president of Latvia
Involvement of the whole county in the implementation of the program.
Līga Sausiņa, Deputy Chairman of Sigulda Municipality
The attitude towards the development of students' personalities in schools.
Inga Akmentiņa-Smildziņa, Head of the Latvian parents 'organization
Promoting mental health in schools - program content, effectiveness, and availability of materials.
Baiba Martinsone, professor, University of Latvia
Panel discussion on the experience of participating in the Mental Health Promotion in Schools program from a school principal, parent, and teacher perspective.
Rūdolfs Kalvāns, Director of the Sigulda State Gymnasium, President of the Latvian Association of Educational Leaders,
Anda Ķīvīte-Urtāne, parent, Director of Institute of Public Health, Associate Professor at Department of Public Health and Epidemiology, Riga Stradiņš University.
Elīna Apsīte, teacher and deputy director of Sigulda City Secondary School.
What's next? Evidence - based recommendations.
Ieva Stokenberga, associate professor, University of Latvia
For awareness and balance.
Actors Zane Daudziņa and Vilis Daudziņš

Video of the Closing Conference

Latvian Opening Conference -  August 2020

August 2020 - PROMEHS Online Opening Conference - LATVIA

On August 25th, the Latvian PROMEHS team ran an Online Opening Conference titled "Promoting Mental Health at School" to present the project and discuss the importance of mental health and wellbeing at school.

Over 850 people attended the Conference, some where on-site and others where online. The public comprised General education schools’ representatives, Pre-schools' representatives, Policy makers, people working in the Media, Professional education schools’  representatives, academics and parents.



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